
Proposal Untuk Judul Script Bahasa Inggris

Posted by Sarjana Ekonomi on Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

A.    The Background Of Study
Basically education is very important in human’s life and personal individual, because by education the teacher can improving student ability, and needed motivation in the learning, better of the family, teacher, friends, and so on. By education they can balance or what they want to know and learning generally specially to education the student. They can write what they want. They can write about descriptive text through contextual teacher and learning.
Writing is a method of reprinting language in visual or tactile from. By them study about writing so they can know about writing system.
Definition of writing system, writing system are both functional, providing a visual way to represent language, and also symbolic, in that represent cultures and people.[1]
Writing is the representation of language in a textual medium though the use of a set of signs or symbols.[2]
Descriptive text is  a text which say that a person or a thing is like it. Purpose is describe and reveal a particular person place, or thing.[3]

Contextual teaching and learning is a relatively new concept in the field of education.[4]
However, not all try the descriptive something with writing, but they can story or show what want descriptive. However in here must writing to descriptive something, because to girder how try writing descriptive text better.

B.     The Problem Of The Study
Based on my background can formulate the problem of:
1.      What the teacher can improving student ability in writing descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning.
2.      What the teacher can understanding how to try to improving student ability in writing descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning and student understand about it.
C.    The Objective Of study
1.      To know the teacher can improve student ability in writing descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning.
2.      To know the extent the teacher can understand how try to improving student ability in writing descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning and the extent the student understood about it.
D.    Theorical Framework
Ability is something that human being have in his own self. Writing is a method of representing language in visual or tactile from. Writing system use set of symbols for such thing as punctuation and numerals. By they study about writing, so they can know about writing system, and how the writing.
Writing system can be divide into two main types: Those that represent consonants and vowel (alphabet), and those which represent sellable (syllabaries), thought some do both. There are a number of subdivisions of each type, and there are different classifications of writing systems in different sources.
·      Abjads / Consonant Alphabets
·      Alphabets
·      Sillabic Alphabets / Abugidas
·      Syllabsries
·      Semanto-phonetic writing systems
·      Under ciphered writing system.
Descriptive text is text which descriptive form, Characteristic human, animal, vegetables, or special event.
v  A cat  eating in my home
v  Dody my friend very big
The purpose description text is give information or describe about article, table, animal, vegetable, or someone which descriptive to specific.
While contextual teaching and learning is a relatively new concept in the field  of education. However, the principles and practices of contextual teaching and learning have been around for centuries (Dijkstra, 1998).
Contextual teaching and learning is defined as a conception of teaching and learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations (U.S. Department of Education, 2004).
Contextual teaching and learning also helps motivate students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers; it also helps them engage in the hard work that learning requires (TechNet, 2004).
Principles characterizing Contextual teaching and learning are: an emphasis on problem-solving, the ability to teach students to monitor and direct their own learning so they become self-regulated learners, anchorizing teaching in students’ diverse life contexts, encouraging student to learn from each other and together, and recognizing the need for teaching and learning to occur in a variety of contexts including community and worksites.
E.     Hypothesis
Hypothesis is a tentative answer to the problems of the research to prove though the data collected.
As for the hypothesis in this discussion is:
·      The improving student ability in writing descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning.
Students will try to learn more after the feel understand about it, and they feel confident if they after master about writing descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning.
F.     The Scope Of Study
In order to get an accurate result of the research the writer just focuses on the student ability of ninth grade the student in writing.
G.    The Significance Of Study
Student and teacher can work together, and teacher just can help students in the lesson or can learn more enterprising and enthusiasm in writing, in order that  can improving student ability writing descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning, and they can writing their goals and be able to sustain improving student ability writing descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning.
H.    Terminology
The definition of ability
            Ability defines as skill or power. Ability is something that human being in his own self. Ability is getting through sequences of drill. Ability is the capability of human being to do something.
The definition of writing is a method of representing language in visual or tactile from.
The definition of descriptive text is descriptive form characteristic Animal, human, vegetable, especially event, and so on.
     The definition of contextual teaching and learning is contextual teaching and learning is a relatively new concept in the field of education. However, the principles and practices of contextual teaching and learning have been around for centuries (Dijkstra, 1998).
I.       Population And Sample
a.    The population of this study academic 2011/2012 year is all of the students in junior high school 5 Langsa class IX, there are 5 class and the total number of the students 175 students.
b.    As this sample in this study is student class IX5 there are 35 students, one class of total 35 students, so in the five class of the total 175 students, especially class IX at Junior High School 5 Langsa.
J.      Variable
In this research there is independent variable and there is dependent variable. Independent variable in this research is writing descriptive text. Dependent variable in this research is students’ ability.
K.    Methodology And Instrument
To get the real data in this research, the writer will follow some steps to get the real data. The writer will do the library and field research.
a.    Library Research
Writer use the library research because the want to get the accurate and real data in order to it can support the data. The writer read many books in the library and article in the internet. The writer will look for and to find the data that to be needed in this research.
b.    Field Research
In addition, the library research, the research also uses the field research in other to add the data the more accurate in field research, writer uses the quantitative method.
To get the data, the writer uses some instrument there are:
a.         Observation
The writer will get observation to Junior High School 5 Langsa of grade ninety students.
b.         Interview
Interview that is direct communication, were the others plunge into the field and held a series of interview with respondents who had fixed her in the Junior High School Negeri 5 Langsa.[5]
L.     The Data Analysis
In this research the writer used technique of data analysis. I t is analysis that to be seen in event and develop a statement of what happened. Then look at another similar event and see if it first the hypothesis. Begin looking for exception to hypothesis. We find it, revise hypothesis to fit all.
Research us pre-test and post test this research. Pre-test use to find out student’s ability in writing descriptive text before research give more explanation about how to writing descriptive text.
Post-test is used after research give or teaching more explanation about how to writing descriptive text through contextual teaching and learning. Thus, students more understand about them.
The statement above, the writer uses it.
T  =  
Mean of the symbol are:
T          = Average
N         = Number of population
X2          = the result of average
X1          = the first average
S          = Standard deviation.

M.   The Organization Of Study
Organizing in this thesis proposal consist of five chapter. It describe about the background of study, The problem of study, The objective of study, theoriticall framework, Hypothesis, The scope of study, The significance of study, Terminology, Population and sample, Variable, Methodology and instrument, The data analysis, The organization of study, and Reference.


http://www.understandingtext.blogspot.com/2008/02/what is.descriptive.text.html
http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebportal/search/detaimini.jsp?_nfpb=true&-&ERICEXT search_searc hValue_O=E1729585&ERICEXT Search_Search Type_O=no & accno=EJ 729585

Nurul Zuriah, Metodologi Penelitian Sosial Dan Pendidikan, Jakarta 2006


[2]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/writing
[3]  http://www.understandingtext.blogspot.com/2008/02/what is.descriptive.text.html
[4]  http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebportal/search/detaimini.jsp?_nfpb=true&-&ERICEXTsearch_searc hValue_O=E1729585&ERICEXT Search_Search Type_O=no & accno=EJ 729585
[5] Nurul Zuriah, Metodologi Penelitian Sosial Dan Pendidikan, Jakarta 2006

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Jumat, Mei 04, 2012


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